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GeneTex GTX127375 说明书

 更新时间:2017-08-10 点击量:1202

世界*实验材料供应商 Genetex  正式授权上海起发为其中国代理, Genetex  在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海起发一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,签约 Genetex  就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

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GeneTex 公司于1997年成立于美国得克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥(现已迁至南加州),是由三位的科学家创立,公司致力于研究和开发各种基础医学相关的新型研究用抗体。公司起初的核心目标是帮助科学家寻找引发人类乳腺癌的分子新靶标,现在已经逐步扩展到其他研究领域新抗体和配套诊断试剂的开发。至今,癌症研究相关抗体已经成为了该公司的特色产品。


LC3B antibody

  • 货号:gtx127375
    应用范围:Flow cytometry/FACS, ICC/IF, IHC (Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections), Immunoprecipitation, Western blot
    适应物种:Human, Mouse, Pig, Rat

因近期越来越多客户询问其他厂家的替代产品, GeneTex本着服务客户的精神, 特别推出以货号查询替代产品的功能, 详情如下, 欢迎大家使用。
Santa Cruz 


LC3B antibody detects LC3B protein at autophagosome by immunofluorescent analysis.

Samples: HeLa cells mock (left) and treated with 50μM Chloroquine for 24 hr (right) were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde at RT for 15 min.
Green: LC3B protein stained by LC3B antibody (GTX127375) diluted at 1:2000.
Red: alpha Tubulin, a cytoskeleton marker, stained by alpha Tubulin antibody [GT114] (GTX628802) diluted at 1:1000.
Blue: Hoechst 33342 staining.

LC3B antibody detects LC3B protein at autophagosome by immunofluorescent analysis.

Samples: HeLa cells mock (left) and treated with 50μM Chloroquine for 24 hr (right) were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde at RT for 15 min.
Green: LC3B protein stained by LC3B antibody (GTX127375) diluted at 1:100.
Blue: Hoechst 33342 staining.
Red: Phalloidin, a cytoskeleton marker, diluted at 1:200.

HepG2 cells were untreated or treated with 3 μM thapsigargin for 16 and 24 hrs. Whole cell extracts (30 μg) were separated by 15% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with LC3B antibody (GTX127375) diluted at 1:1000.

LC3B antibody detects LC3B protein in HCV-infected samples by Western blot analysis.

  A. 20 µg Huh7 whole cell lysate/extract (un-infected)
  B. 20 µg Huh7 whole cell lysate/extract (HCV-infected)
  LC3B antibody (GTX127375) dilution: 1:1500

LC3B antibody detects MAP1LC3B protein by Western blot analysis.

A. 20 µg Huh7 whole cell lysate/extract (untreated)
B. 20 µg Huh7 whole cell lysate/extract (3uM-Thapsigargin treatment for 12hr)
LC3B antibody (GTX127375) dilution: 1:1500

LC3B antibody detects LC3B protein by western blot analysis. Un-treated (-) and treated (+, 50μM Chloroquine treatment for 48 hr) HeLa whole cell extracts (30 μg) were separated by 15% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with LC3B antibody (GTX127375) at a dilution of 1:500.The beta Actin was used as internal control (GTX10564, 1:50000) shown at the bottom panel.

LC3B antibody detects LC3B protein by western blot analysis. Various whole cell extracts (30 μg) were separated by 15% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with LC3B antibody (GTX127375) diluted at a dilution of 1:1000.

LC3B antibody detects LC3B protein at autophagosome by immunofluorescent analysis.

Samples: Hep G2 cells mock (left) and treated with 3 μM Thapsigargin for 12 hrs (right) were fixed in ice-cold MeOH for 10 min and permeabilized with ice-cold acetone for 1 min.
Green: LC3B protein stained by LC3B antibody (GTX127375) diluted at 1:500.
Blue: Hoechst 33342 staining.
Scale bar = 10 μm.

Immunoprecipitation of LC3B protein from U87-MG whole cell extracts using 5 μg of LC3B antibody (GTX127375).

Western blot analysis was performed using LC3B antibody (GTX127375).
EasyBlot anti-Rabbit IgG (GTX221666-01) was used as a secondary reagent.

LC3B antibody detects LC3B protein at cytoplasm in mouse brain by immunohistochemical analysis.

Sample: Paraffin-embedded mouse brain.
LC3B antibody (GTX127375) diluted at 1:500.

LC3B antibody (GTX127375) detects LC3B protein by flow cytometry analysis.

Sample: HeLa cell fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde at 4ºC for 5 min.
Brown: Unlabelled sample was also used as a control.
Blue: LC3B antibody (GTX127375) dilution: 1:100.
Acquisition of >20,000 events were collected using Argon ion laser (488nm) and 525/30 bandpass filter.

LC3B antibody detects MAP1LC3B protein by Western blot analysis.
A. 50 µg mouse brain lysate/extract
LC3B antibody (GTX127375) dilution: 1:1000

LC3B antibody detects MAP1LC3B protein by Western blot analysis.

A. 50 µg Rat brain lysate/extract
LC3B antibody (GTX127375) dilution: 1:1000

LC3B antibody detects LC3B protein in Thapsigargin-treated samples by Western blot analysis.

Upper panel: LC3B antibody (GTX127375)
Lower panel: Beta-actin antibody (GTX110564)A. 30 µg HepG2 whole cell lysate/extract (untreated)
B. 30 µg HepG2 whole cell lysate/extract (3 µM Thapsigargin treatment for 12 hr)
LC3B antibody (GTX127375) dilution: 1:1000
Beta-actin antibody (GTX110564) dilution: 1:20000







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6:我们*代理的品牌有:Antibody Research Corporation,arcticzymes,Biorelevant,AmberGen, Inc. ,clemente-associates,clodronaiposomes,Columbia Biosciences,enzyme research,Gene Bridges GmbH,Genovis,AmberGen, Inc.  Biotechnology GmbH,Haematologic Technologies HTI Haemtech,hookelabs,Immudex,Innovative Research of America,inspiralis ,List Biological Laboratories, Inc.,lumafluor,Microsurfaces,multiplicom,nanotools,Pel-Freez Biologicals,pentapharm,progen,Protein Ark,QA-Bio,Inc,QA-Bio,IncQuickZyme Biosciences,Teknova,TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc.,Zyagen Laboratories 等

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