Glen Research提供具有TOM或TBDMS保护基团的次要RNA亚磷酰胺。4-硫代-U,5-甲基 - 胞苷和2-氨基 - 腺苷可用于分析RNA结构和活性关系,例如,在核酶研究中。
4-Thio-U-TOM-CE Phosphoramidite
5'-二甲氧基三苯甲基-4-(2-氰基乙硫基) - 尿苷,2'-O-三异丙基甲硅烷氧基甲基-3' - [(2-氰基乙基) - (N,N-二异丙基)] - 亚磷酰胺
分子式:C 5 2 H 7 2 N 5 O 9 PSSi
偶联:使用标准TOM RNA化学合成寡核糖核苷酸(6分钟偶联时间)。
The table below shows pack size data and, for solutions, dilutions and approximate couplings based on normal priming procedures. Please link for more detailed usage information with the various synthesizers.
ABI 392/394 | |||||||||
Cat.No. | Pack | Grams/ | 0.1M Dil. | LV40 | LV200 | 40nm | 0.2µm | 1µm | 10µm |
Approximate Number of Additions | |||||||||
10-3052-02 | 0.25grams | .25grams | 2.49 | 69.67 | 41.8 | 26.13 | 19 | 13.93 | 3.48 |
10-3052-90 | 100µmoles | .1grams | 1 | 20 | 12 | 7.5 | 5.45 | 4 | 1 |
10-3052-95 | 50µmoles | .05grams | .5 | 3.33 | 2 | 1.25 | .91 | .67 | .17 |
Expedite | |||||||||
Cat.No. | Pack | Grams/ | Dilution | Molarity | 50nm | 0.2µm | 1µm | 15µm |
Approximate Number of Additions | |||||||||
10-3052-02 | 0.25grams | .25grams | 3.72 | .07 | N/A | N/A | 14.17 | N/A |
10-3052-90 | 100µmoles | .1grams | 1.5 | .07 | N/A | N/A | 4.92 | N/A |
10-3052-95 | 50µmoles | .05grams | .75 | .07 | N/A | N/A | 1.79 | N/A |
Item | Catalog No. | Pack | Price ($) | |
| ||||
4-Thio-U-TOM-CE Phosphoramidite | 10-3052-95 |
| 50µm | 212.50 |
| 10-3052-90 |
| 100µm | 425.00 |
| 10-3052-02 |
| 0.25g | 975.00 |
| ||||
5-Me-C-TOM-CE Phosphoramidite | 10-3064-95 |
| 50µm | 95.00 |
| 10-3064-90 |
| 100µm | 190.00 |
| 10-3064-02 |
| 0.25g | 475.00 |
| ||||
2,6-Diaminopurine-TOM-CE Phosphoramidite | 10-3085-95 |
| 50µm | 212.50 |
(2-amino-A) | 10-3085-90 |
| 100µm | 425.00 |
| 10-3085-02 |
| 0.25g | 975.00 |
| ||||
Pyrrolo-C-TOM-CE Phosphoramidite | 10-3017-95 |
| 50µm | 212.50 |
| 10-3017-90 |
| 100µm | 425.00 |
| 10-3017-02 |
| 0.25g | 975.00 |
| 10-3914-95 |
| 50µm | Discontinued |
| 10-3914-90 |
| 100µm | Discontinued |
| 10-3914-02 |
| 0.25g | Discontinued |
rSpacer CE Phosphoramidite has been discontinued. The substitute is : rSpacer TBDMS CE Phosphoramidite rSpacer CE Phosphoramidite已停产。替代品是 :rSpacer TBDMS CE亚磷酰胺
氨基改性剂C6-U亚磷酰胺 | 10-3039-95 |
| 为50μm |
| 10-3039-90 |
| 100微米 |
| 10-3039-02 |
| 0.25克 |
肌苷和5-甲基 - 尿苷可用于分析RNA结构和活性关系。5-溴 - 尿苷和5-碘 - 尿苷已用于结晶学研究和交联实验。6-硫鸟嘌呤(6-thio-G)在核酶和siRNA研究以及RNA-蛋白质相互作用中具有应用。在不干扰硫的情况下除去甲硅烷基保护基团是至关重要的。这个被除去1由三乙胺三氟化氢在DMSO干净但叔丁基氟化铵(TBAF)导致硫代核苷酸类似物的降解并且不应当被使用。2-氨基嘌呤核苷可用于分析RNA结构和活性关系,例如,在核酶研究中。
I-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3040-95 | 为50μm |
| 10-3040-90 | 100微米 |
| 10-3040-02 | 0.25克 |
5-Me-U-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3050-95 | 为50μm |
(T) | 10-3050-90 | 100微米 |
| 10-3050-02 | 0.25克 |
Br-U-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3090-95 | 为50μm |
| 10-3090-90 | 100微米 |
| 10-3090-02 | 0.25克 |
5-IU-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3091-95 | 为50μm |
| 10-3091-90 | 100微米 |
| 10-3091-02 | 0.25克 |
6-Thio-G-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3072-95 | 为50μm |
| 10-3072-90 | 100微米 |
| 10-3072-02 | 0.25克 |
2-氨基嘌呤-TBDMS-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3070-95 | 为50μm |
| 10-3070-90 | 100微米 |
| 10-3070-02 | 0.25克 |
核酶活性基本上受到修饰的嘧啶碱基取代的影响。Zebularine(嘧啶-2-酮核糖核苷)可以被认为是缺乏环外氨基的胞苷衍生物。Zebularine和Pyridin-2-one Ribonucleoside是Zebularine的3-deaza类似物,是评估核酶活性和功能的主要候选物。应该注意的是,Zebularine是轻度荧光的,在298nm处吸收并在367nm处发射。
项目 | 目录号 | 包 | |
Zebularine-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3011-95 |
| 为50μm |
| 10-3011-90 |
| 100微米 |
| 10-3011-02 |
| 0.25克 |
吡啶-2-酮-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3012-95 |
| 为50μm |
| 10-3012-90 |
| 100微米 |
| 10-3012-02 |
| 0.25克 |
假尿苷-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3055-95 |
| 为50μm |
| 10-3055-90 |
| 100微米 |
| 10-3055-02 |
| 0.25克 |
8-Aza-7-deaza-A-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3083-95 |
| 为50μm |
| 10-3083-90 |
| 100微米 |
| 10-3083-02 |
| 0.25克 |
rSpacer TBDMS CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3915-95 |
| 为50μm |
| 10-3915-90 |
| 100微米 |
| 10-3915-02 |
| 0.25克 |
1位腺苷的甲基化在核碱基中产生剧烈的功能变化。1-甲基腺苷(pKa 8.25)比腺苷(pKa 3.5)强得多。N-1甲基化不包括腺嘌呤碱基参与经典Watson-Crick碱基配对,并为核碱基提供正电荷。该改性还改变了碱的疏水性,堆积性质,水分子的有序性和螯合性质。碱可以参与非规范的氢键合,在静电相互作用中,并且通常它可以有助于tRNA的构象动力学。
在分子生物学的中心法则中,遗传信息从DNA流向RNA,然后流向蛋白质。已知基因组DNA和组蛋白上的可逆表观遗传修饰基本上调节基因表达。另一方面,RNA中存在100多种天然存在的化学修饰; 然而,这些RNA修饰的功能在很大程度上是未知的。在近发现N6-甲基腺苷(N6-Me-A)作为可逆RNA甲基化的个例子之前,RNA中的某些修饰是否可以逆转并且可能影响中心法则中的基因表达是未知的。我们提供N6 -Me-A具有苯氧基乙酰基保护基团的RNA单体,以小化潜在的支化。
1-Me-A-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3501-95 |
| 为50μm |
| 10-3501-90 |
| 100微米 |
| 10-3501-02 |
| 0.25克 |
N6-甲基-A-CE亚磷酰胺 | 10-3005-95 |
| 为50μm |
| 10-3005-90 |
| 100微米 |
| 10-3005-02 |
| 0.25克 |
RNA甲基化发生在大量RNA核苷中,RNA的转录后修饰由各种RNA甲基转移酶进行,出现在多种RNA物种中 - 包括tRNA,mRNA,miRNA和RNA病毒。在tRNA中发现了超过90个甲基化核苷,这些核苷酸在tRNA结构中起着重要作用。此外,甲基化似乎将tRNA标记为成熟,防止其降解以及指导细胞内的定位。用1-甲基假尿苷(1-Me-Ψ)单独或与5-甲基胞苷(5-Me-C)组合修饰的mRNA显着增加细胞和小鼠模型中的蛋白质表达。1-Me-Ψ也是一种修饰的核碱基,可通过降低免疫原性和增加稳定性来大大增强mRNA的性质。
1-甲基 - 假尿苷亚磷酰胺 | 10-3056-95 |
| 为50μm |
| 10-3056-90 |
| 100微米 |
| 10-3056-02 |
| 0.25克 |
明亮的荧光三环胞嘧啶类似物tC和tC°在荧光基质中脱颖而出,因为它们在单链或双链DNA内几乎未被淬灭。直到近,这个三环胞嘧啶家族才被研究并用于DNA背景,重要的是,作为个DNA碱基类似物FRET对的可能供体被引入tC硝基。与DNA对应物相比,RNA的荧光碱基类似物的数量有限。为了促进这些类似物的应用,与相应的天然核苷相比,其在RNA中的结构和动力学行为的表征是重要的。我们现在介绍tCO核糖核苷,它已被掺入一系列RNA序列中,在这种情况下,它被证明是一种非常有效和有用的荧光团。1 Glen Research与ModyBase HB合作提供这种有用的荧光核糖核苷类似物。
Ribo-tC°亚磷酰胺 | 10-3517-95 |
| 为50μm |
| 10-3517-90 |
| 100微米 |
| 10-3517-02 |
| 0.25克 |
Pyrrolo-dC是荧光核苷,其与dG有效编码为dC和碱基对。初步证据表明,吡咯并-dC三磷酸盐是Taq,Pfu和Vent聚合酶的优良底物,并且与dG特异性结合。Pyrrolo-dCTP已有一段时间可用,并且正在用于生物测定。Pyrrolo-CTP是一种荧光核糖核苷酸,其荧光对环境非常敏感,对RNA结构研究非常感兴趣。pyrrolo-C项目由Berry and Associates,Inc。和Glen Research Corporation共同开发。
项目 | 目录号 | 包 | |
吡咯并-TPP(10mM) | 81-3017-01 |
| 0.1mL |
ABI 392/394 | |||||||||
Cat.No. | Pack | Grams/ | 0.1M Dil. | LV40 | LV200 | 40nm | 0.2µm | 1µm | 10µm |
Approximate Number of Additions | |||||||||
10-1001-02 | 0.25grams | .25grams | 2.92 | 84 | 50.4 | 31.5 | 22.91 | 16.8 | 4.2 |
10-1001-90 | 100µmoles | .086grams | 1 | 20 | 12 | 7.5 | 5.45 | 4 | 1 |
10-1001-95 | 50µmoles | .043grams | .5 | 3.33 | 2 | 1.25 | .91 | .67 | .17 |
Expedite | |||||||||
Cat.No. | Pack | Grams/ | Dilution | Molarity | 50nm | 0.2µm | 1µm | 15µm |
Approximate Number of Additions | |||||||||
10-1001-02 | 0.25grams | .25grams | 4.35 | .07 | 80.6 | 50.38 | 36.64 | 5.04 |
10-1001-90 | 100µmoles | .086grams | 1.5 | .07 | 23.6 | 14.75 | 10.73 | 1.48 |
10-1001-95 | 50µmoles | .043grams | .75 | .07 | 8.6 | 5.38 | 3.91 | .54 |
货号 | 品名 | 规格 | 目录价 | 品牌 |
10-0001-02 | dA-5'-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 1275 | glen research |
10-0001-05 | dA-5'-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 2550 | glen research |
10-0001-10 | dA-5'-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 5100 | glen research |
10-0101-02 | dC-5'-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 1275 | glen research |
10-0101-05 | dC-5'-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 2550 | glen research |
10-0101-10 | dC-5'-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 5100 | glen research |
10-0301-02 | dT-5'-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 1275 | glen research |
10-0301-05 | dT-5'-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 2550 | glen research |
10-0301-10 | dT-5'-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 5100 | glen research |
10-1000-02 | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1000-02M | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1000-05 | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1000-05M | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1000-10 | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1000-10M | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1000-1C | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1000-1S | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 10.0grams | 8500 | glen research |
10-1000-20 | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1000-2C | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1000-40 | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 4.0grams | 3400 | glen research |
10-1000-50 | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1000-5S | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1000-C2 | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1000-C5 | dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1001-02 | 7-Deaza-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 16575 | glen research |
10-1001-90 | 7-Deaza-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 6035 | glen research |
10-1001-95 | 7-Deaza-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 50µmoles | 3017.5 | glen research |
10-1002-02 | dA+dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 680 | glen research |
10-1003-02 | N6-Me-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 8415 | glen research |
10-1003-90 | N6-Me-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 2762.5 | glen research |
10-1004-02 | 3'-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 16575 | glen research |
10-1004-90 | 3'-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 6035 | glen research |
10-1004-95 | 3'-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 50µmoles | 3017.5 | glen research |
10-1006-02 | Etheno-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 4335 | glen research |
10-1006-90 | Etheno-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 1785 | glen research |
10-1007-02 | 8-Br-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 5015 | glen research |
10-1007-90 | 8-Br-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 1955 | glen research |
10-1008-02 | 8-oxo-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 6035 | glen research |
10-1008-90 | 8-oxo-dA-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 2295 | glen research |
10-1010-02 | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1010-02M | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1010-05 | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1010-05M | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1010-10 | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1010-10M | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1010-1C | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1010-1S | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 10.0grams | 8500 | glen research |
10-1010-20 | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1010-2C | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1010-40 | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 4.0grams | 3400 | glen research |
10-1010-50 | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1010-5S | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1010-C2 | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1010-C5 | dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1013-02 | dC+dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 680 | glen research |
10-1014-02 | pdC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 4165 | glen research |
10-1014-05 | pdC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 8330 | glen research |
10-1014-90 | pdC-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 1445 | glen research |
10-1015-02 | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1015-02M | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1015-05 | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1015-05M | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1015-10 | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1015-10M | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1015-1C | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1015-1S | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 10.0grams | 8500 | glen research |
10-1015-20 | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1015-2C | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1015-40 | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 4.0grams | 3400 | glen research |
10-1015-50 | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1015-5S | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1015-C2 | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1015-C5 | Ac-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1016-02 | TMP-F-dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 8415 | glen research |
10-1016-90 | TMP-F-dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 3315 | glen research |
10-1017-02 | Pyrrolo-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 11475 | glen research |
10-1017-90 | Pyrrolo-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 3740 | glen research |
10-1017-95 | Pyrrolo-dC-CE Phosphoramidite | 50µmoles | 1870 | glen research |
10-1018-02 | 5-Me-dC Brancher Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 8585 | glen research |
10-1018-90 | 5-Me-dC Brancher Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 3485 | glen research |
10-1019-02 | Amino-Modifier C6 dC | 0.25grams | 7650 | glen research |
10-1019-90 | Amino-Modifier C6 dC | 100µmoles | 3825 | glen research |
10-1020-02 | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1020-02M | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1020-05 | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1020-05M | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1020-10 | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1020-10M | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1020-1C | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1020-1S | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 10.0grams | 8500 | glen research |
10-1020-20 | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1020-2C | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1020-40 | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 4.0grams | 3400 | glen research |
10-1020-50 | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1020-5S | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1020-C2 | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1020-C5 | dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1021-02 | 7-deaza-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 16575 | glen research |
10-1021-90 | 7-deaza-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 6035 | glen research |
10-1021-95 | 7-deaza-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 50µmoles | 3017.5 | glen research |
10-1023 | dA+dC+dG+dT-CE Phosphoramidite Mix | 1.0gram | 680 | glen research |
10-1027-02 | 8-Br-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 4335 | glen research |
10-1027-90 | 8-Br-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 1785 | glen research |
10-1028-02 | 8-oxo-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 16575 | glen research |
10-1028-90 | 8-oxo-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 6035 | glen research |
10-1028-95 | 8-oxo-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 50µmoles | 3017.5 | glen research |
10-1029-02 | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1029-02M | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1029-05 | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1029-05M | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1029-10 | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1029-10M | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1029-1C | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1029-1S | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 10.0grams | 8500 | glen research |
10-1029-20 | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1029-2C | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1029-40 | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 4.0grams | 3400 | glen research |
10-1029-50 | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1029-5S | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1029-C2 | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1029-C5 | dmf-dG-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1030-02 | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1030-02M | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1030-05 | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1030-05M | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1030-10 | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1030-10M | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1030-1C | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 1.0gram | 850 | glen research |
10-1030-1S | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 10.0grams | 8500 | glen research |
10-1030-20 | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1030-2C | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 2.0grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1030-40 | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 4.0grams | 3400 | glen research |
10-1030-50 | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1030-5S | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 5.0grams | 4250 | glen research |
10-1030-C2 | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 212.5 | glen research |
10-1030-C5 | dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 425 | glen research |
10-1031-02 | 5'-OMe-dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 6035 | glen research |
10-1031-90 | 5'-OMe-dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 2295 | glen research |
10-1032-02 | O4-Me-dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 6035 | glen research |
10-1032-90 | O4-Me-dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 2295 | glen research |
10-1034-02 | 4-Thio-dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 11475 | glen research |
10-1034-90 | 4-Thio-dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 5015 | glen research |
10-1034-95 | 4-Thio-dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 50µmoles | 2805 | glen research |
10-1035-02 | Carboxy-dT | 0.25grams | 6120 | glen research |
10-1035-90 | Carboxy-dT | 100µmoles | 3060 | glen research |
10-1036-02 | 2-Thio-dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 11475 | glen research |
10-1036-90 | 2-Thio-dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 5015 | glen research |
10-1036-95 | 2-Thio-dT-CE Phosphoramidite | 50µmoles | 2805 | glen research |
10-1037-02 | Amino-Modifier C2 dT | 0.25grams | 6120 | glen research |
10-1037-05 | Amino-Modifier C2 dT | 0.5grams | 12240 | glen research |
10-1037-90 | Amino-Modifier C2 dT | 100µmoles | 3060 | glen research |
10-1038-02 | Biotin-dT | 0.25grams | 10625 | glen research |
10-1038-90 | Biotin-dT | 100µmoles | 5525 | glen research |
10-1038-95 | Biotin-dT | 50µmoles | 2847.5 | glen research |
10-1039-02 | Amino-Modifier C6 dT | 0.25grams | 6120 | glen research |
10-1039-05 | Amino-Modifier C6 dT | 0.5grams | 12240 | glen research |
10-1039-90 | Amino-Modifier C6 dT | 100µmoles | 3060 | glen research |
10-1040-02 | dI-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 2040 | glen research |
10-1040-90 | dI-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 850 | glen research |
10-1041-02 | 2'-DeoxyNebularine-CE Phosphoramidite (Purine) | 0.25grams | 4335 | glen research |
10-1041-90 | 2'-DeoxyNebularine-CE Phosphoramidite (Purine) | 100µmoles | 1785 | glen research |
10-1042-02 | O6-Phenyl-dI-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 6035 | glen research |
10-1042-90 | O6-Phenyl-dI-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 2295 | glen research |
10-1044-02 | 5-Nitroindole-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 5525 | glen research |
10-1044-90 | 5-Nitroindole-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 2125 | glen research |
10-1046-02 | 2-Aminopurine-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 6035 | glen research |
10-1046-90 | 2-Aminopurine-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 2295 | glen research |
10-1047-02 | dP-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 10115 | glen research |
10-1047-90 | dP-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 3315 | glen research |
10-1048-02 | dK-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 10115 | glen research |
10-1048-90 | dK-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 3315 | glen research |
10-1049-02 | dP+dK-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 10115 | glen research |
10-1049-90 | dP+dK-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 3315 | glen research |
10-1050-02 | dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 1700 | glen research |
10-1050-90 | dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 595 | glen research |
10-1051-02 | O4-Triazolyl-dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 6035 | glen research |
10-1051-90 | O4-Triazolyl-dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 2295 | glen research |
10-1052-02 | 4-Thio-dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 11475 | glen research |
10-1052-90 | 4-Thio-dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 5015 | glen research |
10-1052-95 | 4-Thio-dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 50µmoles | 2805 | glen research |
10-1053-02 | 5-OH-dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 11475 | glen research |
10-1053-90 | 5-OH-dU-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 3825 | glen research |
10-1054-02 | pdU-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 3315 | glen research |
10-1054-05 | pdU-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.5grams | 6630 | glen research |
10-1054-90 | pdU-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 1105 | glen research |
10-1055-02 | 2'-deoxypseudoU-CE Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 16575 | glen research |
10-1055-90 | 2'-deoxypseudoU-CE Phosphoramidite | 100µmoles | 6035 | glen research |
10-1055-95 | 2'-deoxypseudoU-CE Phosphoramidite | 50µmoles | 3017.5 | glen research |
10-1056-02 | Fluorescein-dT Phosphoramidite | 0.25grams | 11475 | glen research |
6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司授权代理。
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