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Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 特约代理

描述:Harlan Laboratories, Inc.代理,Harlan Laboratories, Inc.上海代理, Harlan Laboratories, Inc.总代理, Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 特约代理
上海起发实验试剂有限公司 Harlan Laboratories, Inc.专业代理,具体产品信息欢迎电询:4006551678


世界*实验材料供应商 Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 正式授权上海起发为其中国代理, Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海起发一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,签约 Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

 Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 中国代理, Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 上海代理, Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 北京代理,Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 广东代理, Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 江苏代理Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 湖北代理,Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 天津,Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 黑龙江代理,Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 内蒙古代理,Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 吉林代理,Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 福建代理, Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 江苏代理, Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 浙江代理, Harlan Laboratories, Inc. 四川代理,



We’re Harlan Laboratories. And we’re here to help you do research better. 

Harlan began as a regional provider of research models and services in the midwestern United States more than 70 years ago, establishing a reputation for quality and a close, personal style of doing business. To this day, the research models business remains a core competency of the company, and Research Models and Services is one of Harlan Laboratories’ two major business units. 

After decades of steady growth, the company was renamed Harlan Sprague Dawley. This began a period of significant overseas expansion of the research models business, along with diversification through the addition of Swiss contract research organization RCC, UK-based SafePharm Laboratories, and Israel-based Harlan Biotech. These entities now form the core of the Contract Research Services business unit.

Harlan Laboratories is a leading provider of essential, pre-clinical and non-clinical contract research, research models, animal diets, and services to the pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, agrochemical, and chemical industries, as well as universities, government, and other research organizations. Our focus is on providing customers with products and services to optimize the discovery and safety of new medicines and compounds. We have over 3,000 employees in 12 countries, but we act locally, understanding the value of close relationships and collaboration with our customers. 

As important as good customer service and relationships are, though, it’s really all about scientific excellence. Today, research is increasingly being outsourced, and researchers need to have confidence in their supplier partners. Stability, reliability, consistency, and quality are all essential. That’s what Harlan Laboratories offers with our passion for science and decades of proven expertise in both research models and services, and contract research services.


research-models, animal-diets, bedding, enrichment, surgical-services, genetic-testing, contract-research, discovery, toxicology, genetic-toxicology, ecotoxicology, drug-metabolism, pharmacokinetics, analytical-chemistry, chemical/agrochemical-registration

  • 公司 http://www.envigo。。com







5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司

6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc, Harlan Laboratories, Inc.,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, GePromegaridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,Harlan Laboratories, Inc., Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,FULLERLABS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司授权代理。
7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,Harlan Laboratories, Inc.am,sigma;Promega,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。





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