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lumiprobe 特约代理

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上海起发实验试剂有限公司 lumiprobe专业代理,具体产品信息欢迎电询:4006551678


世界*实验材料供应商 lumiprobe 正式授权上海起发为其中国代理, lumiprobe 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海起发一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,签约 lumiprobe 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

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Lumiprobe, LLC.是美国一家高品质生物技术公司,专业提供分子生物学研究用的活性荧光染料。主要产品有:活性染料(Reactive Dye)和SYBR Green I 染料,定制合成荧光双标记引物。产品主要应用:点击化学(Click Chemistry)、蛋白质组学研究中的双向荧光差异凝胶电泳(2D DIGE)和实时荧光定量PCR(Realtime PCR)。

点击化学(Click chemistry蛋白质组学研究和新药研发的理想技术。

“点击化学"( “click chemistry")是2001年美国诺贝尔化学奖获得者、史格堡研究院(Skaggs institute)化学生物研究所的研究员贝瑞?夏普利斯(K. Barry Sharpless)发展出一种新技术,其所具有的高效和高控制性,在化学合成领域掀起了一场风暴,成为目前医药领域zui吸引人的发展方向,被业界认为是未来加快新药研发zui有效的技术之一。“点击化学"的基本思想就是利用碳-杂原子成键反应快速实现分子多样性,一般由叠氮化物(azide)和炔烃(alkyne)作用形共价键,具有高效稳定,高特异性等优点。反应不受PH影响,能在常温条件下的水中进行;具有100%的生物兼容性,甚至能在活细胞中进行。




  • 点击化学(Click Chemistry
    • 叠氮化合物(Azides
      • Azidobutyric acid NHS ester
      • Azido dye derivatives, 10 mM DMSO solutions
        • Cy3 azide, 10 mM in DMSO
        • Cy3.5 azide, 10 mM in DMSO
        • Cy5 azide, 10 mM in DMSO
        • Cy5.5 azide, 10 mM in DMSO
        • Cy7 azide, 10mM in DMSO
        • 5-FAM azide, 10 mM in DMSO
        • 6-FAM azide, 10 mM in DMSO
        • 5-JOE azide, 10 mM in DMSO
        • 5-ROX azide, 10 mM in DMSO
        • 6-ROX azide, 10 mM in DMSO
        • 5-TAMRA azide, 10 mM in DMSO
    • 炔烃类染料(Alkynes 
      • Alkyne amidite, 5'-terminal
      • Alkyne amidite, hydroxyprolinol
      • Alkyne solid support for oligo synthesis
      • Pentynoic acid STP ester
    • 荧光激活染料(Catalysts and activators
      • Ascorbic acid
      • Copper(II)-TBTA complex, 10 mM in 55% aq. DMSO
  • SYBR Green I
    • Gel staining solution, 10000x
    • For qPCR, 100x solution
  • 改良三磷酸盐(Modified triphosphates
    • Ami1-ddUTP
    • Ami1-dUTP
  • 脂类活性染料(Dye activated esters
    • Cy3 NHS ester
    • Cy3.5 NHS ester
    • Cy5 NHS ester
    • Cy5.5 NHS ester
  • 2D DIGE荧光染料试剂盒(2D DIGE dye kits

能与Ettan Dige (GE Healthcare)配合使用,或替代使用。

  • Phosporamidites
    • Alkyne amidite, 5'-terminal
    • Alkyne amidite, hydroxyprolinol
    • DMS(O)MT aminolink amidite
  • 定制合成荧光双标记引物(Custom dual-labeled probes
  • 货号品名包装价格品牌
    11030Cy3 azide  100 uL2720lumiprobe
    31030Cy3 azide500 uL7140lumiprobe
    41030Cy3 azide1 mL10115lumiprobe
    A1030Cy3 azide1 mg2380lumiprobe
    B1030Cy3 azide5 mg7820lumiprobe
    C1030Cy3 azide10 mg11900lumiprobe
    D1030Cy3 azide25 mg22950lumiprobe
    E1030Cy3 azide50 mg42330lumiprobe
    12030Cy3.5 azide100 uL2720lumiprobe
    32030Cy3.5 azide500 uL7140lumiprobe
    42030Cy3.5 azide1 mL10115lumiprobe
    13030Cy5 azide100 uL2720lumiprobe
    33030Cy5 azide500 uL7140lumiprobe
    43030Cy5 azide1 mL10115lumiprobe
    A3030Cy5 azide1 mg2380lumiprobe
    B3030Cy5 azide5 mg7820lumiprobe
    C3030Cy5 azide10 mg11900lumiprobe
    D3030Cy5 azide25 mg22950lumiprobe
    E3030Cy5 azide50 mg42330lumiprobe
    14030Cy5.5 azide100 uL2720lumiprobe
    34030Cy5.5 azide500 uL7140lumiprobe
    44030Cy5.5 azide1 mL10115lumiprobe
    A4030Cy5.5 azide1 mg2380lumiprobe
    B4030Cy5.5 azide5 mg7820lumiprobe
    C4030Cy5.5 azide10 mg11900lumiprobe
    D4030Cy5.5 azide25 mg22950lumiprobe
    E4030Cy5.5 azide50 mg42330lumiprobe
    14130FAM azide, 5- isomer,100 uL2720lumiprobe
    34130FAM azide, 5- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    44130FAM azide, 5- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    15130FAM azide, 6- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    35130FAM azide, 6- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    45130FAM azide, 6- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    11130JOE azide, 5- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    31130JOE azide, 5- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    41130JOE azide, 5- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    14230R110 azide, 5- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    34230R110 azide, 5- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    44230R110 azide, 5- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    15230R110 azide, 6- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    35230R110 azide, 6- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    45230R110 azide, 6- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    12230ROX azide, 6- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    32230ROX azide, 6- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    42230ROX azide, 6- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    17130TAMRA azide, 5- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    37130TAMRA azide, 5- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    47130TAMRA azide, 5- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    33720Azidobutyric acid NHS ester10 mg1955lumiprobe
    43720Azidobutyric acid NHS ester25 mg3315lumiprobe
    53720Azidobutyric acid NHS ester50 mg5015lumiprobe
    30720Pentynoic acid STP ester5 mg1870lumiprobe
    40720Pentynoic acid STP ester25 mg3315lumiprobe
    50720Pentynoic acid STP ester50 mg5015lumiprobe
    30720Pentynoic acid STP ester5 mg1870lumiprobe
    40720Pentynoic acid STP ester25 mg3315lumiprobe
    50720Pentynoic acid STP ester50 mg5015lumiprobe
    22260Alkyne Amidite, 5'-terminal 3910lumiprobe
    42260Alkyne Amidite, 5'-terminal1 g7650lumiprobe
    62260Alkyne Amidite, 5'-terminal5 g23800lumiprobe
    21360Alkyne Amidite, hydroxyprolinol250 mg4080lumiprobe
    41360Alkyne Amidite, hydroxyprolinol1 g9520lumiprobe
    21050-2Copper(II)-TBTA complex2x1.5 mL1870lumiprobe
    12050Ascorbic acid10 mg1360lumiprobe
    11320Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester1 mg2720lumiprobe
    21320Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester5 mg6970lumiprobe
    41320Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester25 mg14450lumiprobe
    51320Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester50 mg25500lumiprobe
    61320Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester100 mg41650lumiprobe
    11020Cy3 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    21020Cy3 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    41020Cy3 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    51020Cy3 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    61020Cy3 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    13320Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester1 mg2720lumiprobe
    23320Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester5 mg6970lumiprobe
    43320Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester25 mg14450lumiprobe
    53320Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester50 mg25500lumiprobe
    63320Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester100 mg41650lumiprobe
    13020Cy5 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    23020Cy5 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    43020Cy5 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    53020Cy5 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    63020Cy5 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    12020Cy3.5 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    22020Cy3.5 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    42020Cy3.5 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    52020Cy3.5 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    62020Cy3.5 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    17020Cy5.5 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    27020Cy5.5 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    47020Cy5.5 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    57020Cy5.5 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    67020Cy5.5 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    15020Cy7 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    25020Cy7 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    45020Cy7 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    55020Cy7 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    65020Cy7 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    16020Cy7.5 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    26020Cy7.5 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    46020Cy7.5 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    56020Cy7.5 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    66020Cy7.5 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    12220ROX NHS ester, pure 6- isomer1 mg1870lumiprobe
    22220ROX NHS ester, pure 6- isomer5 mg3570lumiprobe
    42220ROX NHS ester, pure 6- isomer25 mg6970lumiprobe
    52220ROX NHS ester, pure 6- isomer50 mg11815lumiprobe
    62220ROX NHS ester, pure 6- isomer100 mg20230lumiprobe
    11030Cy3 azide100 uL2720lumiprobe
    31030Cy3 azide500 uL7140lumiprobe
    41030Cy3 azide1 mL10115lumiprobe
    A1030Cy3 azide1 mg2380lumiprobe
    B1030Cy3 azide5 mg7820lumiprobe
    C1030Cy3 azide10 mg11900lumiprobe
    D1030Cy3 azide25 mg22950lumiprobe
    E1030Cy3 azide50 mg42330lumiprobe
    13030Cy5 azide100 uL2720lumiprobe
    33030Cy5 azide500 uL7140lumiprobe
    43030Cy5 azide1 mL10115lumiprobe
    A3030Cy5 azide1 mg2380lumiprobe
    B3030Cy5 azide5 mg7820lumiprobe
    C3030Cy5 azide10 mg11900lumiprobe
    D3030Cy5 azide25 mg22950lumiprobe
    E3030Cy5 azide50 mg42330lumiprobe
    12030Cy3.5 azide100 uL2720lumiprobe
    32030Cy3.5 azide500 uL7140lumiprobe
    42030Cy3.5 azide1 mL10115lumiprobe
    14030Cy5.5 azide100 uL2720lumiprobe
    34030Cy5.5 azide500 uL7140lumiprobe
    44030Cy5.5 azide1 mL10115lumiprobe
    A4030Cy5.5 azide1 mg2380lumiprobe
    B4030Cy5.5 azide5 mg7820lumiprobe
    C4030Cy5.5 azide10 mg11900lumiprobe
    D4030Cy5.5 azide25 mg22950lumiprobe
    E4030Cy5.5 azide50 mg42330lumiprobe
    15030Cy7 azide100 uL2720lumiprobe
    35030Cy7 azide500 uL7140lumiprobe
    45030Cy7 azide1 mL10115lumiprobe
    A5030Cy7 azide1 mg2380lumiprobe
    B5030Cy7 azide5 mg7820lumiprobe
    C5030Cy7 azide10 mg11900lumiprobe
    D5030Cy7 azide25 mg22950lumiprobe
    E5030Cy7 azide50 mg42330lumiprobe
    16030Cy7.5 azide100 uL2720lumiprobe
    36030Cy7.5 azide500 uL7140lumiprobe
    46030Cy7.5 azide1 mL10115lumiprobe
    A6030Cy7.5 azide1 mg2380lumiprobe
    B6030Cy7.5 azide5 mg7820lumiprobe
    C6030Cy7.5 azide10 mg11900lumiprobe
    D6030Cy7.5 azide25 mg22950lumiprobe
    E6030Cy7.5 azide50 mg42330lumiprobe
    14130FAM azide, 5- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    34130FAM azide, 5- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    44130FAM azide, 5- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    15130FAM azide, 6- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    35130FAM azide, 6- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    45130FAM azide, 6- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    11130JOE azide, 5- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    31130JOE azide, 5- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    41130JOE azide, 5- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    14230R110 azide, 5- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    34230R110 azide, 5- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    44230R110 azide, 5- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    15230R110 azide, 6- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    35230R110 azide, 6- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    45230R110 azide, 6- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    12230ROX azide, 6- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    32230ROX azide, 6- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    42230ROX azide, 6- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    17130TAMRA azide, 5- isomer100 uL2720lumiprobe
    37130TAMRA azide, 5- isomer500 uL7140lumiprobe
    47130TAMRA azide, 5- isomer1 mL10115lumiprobe
    41010SYBR Green I for Real Time PCR1 mL5270lumiprobe
    51010SYBR Green I for Real Time PCR1.5 mL7650lumiprobe
    51010-5SYBR Green I for Real Time PCR5x1.5 mL12750lumiprobe
    22260Alkyne Amidite, 5'-terminal250 mg3910lumiprobe
    42260Alkyne Amidite, 5'-terminal1 g7650lumiprobe
    62260Alkyne Amidite, 5'-terminal5 g23800lumiprobe
    20010SYBR Green I Gel Staining Solution1 mL3060lumiprobe
    20010-2SYBR Green I Gel Staining Solution2 x 1 mL3315lumiprobe
    30010-3SYBR Green I Gel Staining Solution3 x 1.5 mL7055lumiprobe
    30010-5SYBR Green I Gel Staining Solution5 x 1.5 mL11475lumiprobe
    11320Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester1 mg2720lumiprobe
    21320Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester5 mg6970lumiprobe
    41320Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester25 mg14450lumiprobe
    51320Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester50 mg25500lumiprobe
    61320Sulfo-Cy3 NHS ester100 mg41650lumiprobe
    11020Cy3 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    21020Cy3 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    41020Cy3 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    51020Cy3 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    61020Cy3 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    13320Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester1 mg2720lumiprobe
    23320Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester5 mg6970lumiprobe
    43320Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester25 mg14450lumiprobe
    53320Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester50 mg25500lumiprobe
    63320Sulfo-Cy5 NHS ester100 mg41650lumiprobe
    13020Cy5 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    23020Cy5 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    43020Cy5 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    53020Cy5 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    63020Cy5 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    12020Cy3.5 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    22020Cy3.5 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    42020Cy3.5 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    52020Cy3.5 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    62020Cy3.5 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    17020Cy5.5 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    27020Cy5.5 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    47020Cy5.5 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    57020Cy5.5 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    67020Cy5.5 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    15020Cy7 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    25020Cy7 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    45020Cy7 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    55020Cy7 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    65020Cy7 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    16020Cy7.5 NHS ester1 mg1870lumiprobe
    26020Cy7.5 NHS ester5 mg3570lumiprobe
    46020Cy7.5 NHS ester25 mg6970lumiprobe
    56020Cy7.5 NHS ester50 mg11815lumiprobe
    66020Cy7.5 NHS ester100 mg20230lumiprobe
    12220ROX NHS ester, pure 6- isomer1 mg1870lumiprobe
    22220ROX NHS ester, pure 6- isomer5 mg3570lumiprobe
    42220ROX NHS ester, pure 6- isomer25 mg6970lumiprobe
    52220ROX NHS ester, pure 6- isomer50 mg11815lumiprobe
    62220ROX NHS ester, pure 6- isomer100 mg20230lumiprobe







5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司

6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc, lumiprobe,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, GePromegaridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,lumiprobe, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,FULLERLABS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司授权代理。
7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,lumiprobeam,sigma;Promega,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。





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