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tedpella DAG-T-502碳漆简介

 更新时间:2022-05-31 点击量:264

tedpella DAG-T-502 碳漆简介


DAG-T-502 Carbon Paint

one component, ready to use; formerly called Electrodag 502

Provides conductivity for SEM non-conductive samples which require grounding.

DAG-T-502 is a combination of specially processed carbon particles in a fluoroelastomer resin system providing good conductivity. This carbon cement remains flexible over a temperature range of -40°C to 260°C and cures at room temperature. 502 resists oxidation and has good adhesion qualities. The diluent is methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and has fluid consistency. Acetone (#16023) can be used as a thinner/extender or as a cleaner. Solids content is 12.6%. Service temperature range is -40°C to 260°C.

DAG-T-502 碳漆

一个组件,即可使用;以前称为 Electrodag 502

为需要接地的 SEM 非导电样品提供导电性。

DAG-T-502 是在氟橡胶树脂系统中经过特殊处理的碳颗粒的组合,可提供良好的导电性。这种碳水泥在 -40°C 至 260°C 的温度范围内保持柔韧性,并在室温下固化。502抗氧化并具有良好的附着力。稀释剂是甲乙酮 (MEK),具有流体稠度。丙酮 (#16023) 可用作稀释剂/填充剂或清洁剂。固体含量为12.6%。使用温度范围为 -40°C 至 260°C。


16056DAG-T-502 碳漆,30g